Working with Glossaries


The Glossary is very versatile. It can be created by teachers and used as a ready made reference work for their students throughout their course. Or it can become a collaborative activity for students to construct their own reference work(s) over the course of an academic year.

Glossaries come in various formats, making the activity very flexible to use and adapt to whatever style is the most suitable for a learning activity. You can choose your Glossary to be laid out in dictionary style or in a list of FAQs, for example.

Courses can contain multiple Glossaries, enabling you to have distinctly different Glossaries for different topics in a course. Furthermore, participants' contributions can be marked and grades automatically added to the students' gradebooks. Thus a student's Glossary contributions can be added to the overall coursework mark.

source: "French dictionary page1" by lizzie_anne on Flickr