DataDirector: Custom Reports

Educators are being asked to track data now more than ever.  Questions arise such as "What am I looking for?", "Where do I find it?" and "What am I going to do with it?".  Utilizing a web-based data warehouse, such as DataDirector, educators within our consortium have the ability to access data for current and past school years (trend analysis), give both formative and summative classroom assessments (item analysis) and data-mine both state and national assessments such as MEAP and ACT.  With changes and implementation of an educator evaluation system it is important to give the power of data to both teachers and administrators.  

In this lesson on Custom Reports, educators will work within DataDirector to effectively create a custom report they can use to triangulate and disaggregate data to improve instruction, plan interventions, and to utilize during data conferencing sessions with colleagues, administrators, and parents.

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